Archive for March 7th, 2010

Mar 07 2010

Holy strawberries batman! We’re in a jam!

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I feel like the past month has been one of the most amazing in my life. Not only have I met tons of new people, plans for next year are becoming a bit clearer as well. Not to mention the Olympics. That was a once in a lifetime gong show that I will surely miss having in Vancouver; who doesn’t love screaming the national anthem and high fiving random cannucks while moshing on robson square? Last but not least, the RA position is over the horizon. I find out if I got the job sometime tomorrow.

I’m pretty sure both myself and Erica Baker are stoked on life / kinda maybe freaking out. Not only would I love to mentor a group of 30 chilluns next year, I’m banking on it for housing. Those whole search for off campus housing makes my head spin. There are fees needing to be paid coming out the caboodle.

So then comes the hard part. Kind of where I’m at now. Mark has neglected homework a bit and needs to jump right on that. Kind of soon. Second mid term? Crap. I’ve got some of those now that I have 3 science courses.

Hope your semesters are going well! I’ll let you guys know the news tomorrow when I get the phonecall or letter.

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