Archive for March 10th, 2010

Mar 10 2010

Class? Who needs that. Lets update instead.

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I’m actually typing the notes as I go, and I’ve read ahead for this class. I’m a good student, promise.

So much to get excited about in the near future guys!

To start, storm the wall is well on its way. Since I’ve taken up the bird-coop since September, the idea of a marathon seems a bit more realistic to me. There’s a good chance I would have laughed in your face if you ever asked me to run one beforehand. This event is huge, and I’ve been stoked to participate in running myself silly, and then climbing a 10 foot wall with the help of some friends.

Missing the Olympics? Get ready because round two is on its way. Paralympics is a go, and I’m sure it won’t disappoint. I’m thinking about getting some sledge hockey tickets and cheering on team Canada. Maybe some more moshing downtown? Speaking of which, I still need to visit the Olympic Store downtown. A friend that works there says stuff is 50% off, granted a good chunk of it is gone. But man, I seriously want a life size Quatchi.

Another tidbit, my inner vampire freaked out when I saw the 10 second preview of eclipse. Full length trailer comes out tomorrow.


And lastly, my housing fiasco is done and dealt with. I’ve been admitted as an RA in totem, woot!

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