Apr 20 2010

Thats it.

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Incoming massive self reflection: remember those really intense blogs I wrote at the beginning of the year with my freak outs about leaving home? Same deal now, because I have discovered my unfathomable, inexplicable, unconditional love towards UBC and the friends I have made here.

I just finished Carmen’s questionnaire, and I’m pumping the creativity juices one last time.

I’m thinking right now, if last year’s me, met the now me, we’d be strangers. Literally, Mark Antczak has changed on so many levels, I didn’t even think it was possible. Physically; from the chopping of the hair after my English midterm freakout, to the de-lankyfying my body since September. Mentally; from the beginnings of psychoanalysing thanks to PSYC 100, to kinda figuring out my future path in life. And I guess I can say in terms of self growth? Life seems to offer so many more opportunities then before. Being on my own, and having no one making decisions for me, has made me appreciate working towards a goal, a goal that I have chosen for myself.

For example, I choose to apply to be an RA and MUG leader next year. Both positions which I have been offered. These by themselves will throw in even more experiences that will give me new perspective on life. Tons of opportunities that are constantly changing the way you think.

It just saddens me to think that 8 months has flew by so fast. The nervous boy from Ontario has turned into a grown confident University student. I overcame hurdles that in the past were too scary to approach, and I have met so many friends, that I believe are going to be around for a long time. I still remember this past summer, how leaving my friends was going to be one of the hardest parts of this adventure. Even now as I look at my bulletin board full of old friend, I can’t help but smile at how much bigger that picture collection will be next year. With my birthday right around the corner, even in the midst of exams, I’m overcome with the amount of amazing my new friends offer me here.

Going home and packing up will be tough, just like last time, but you just hold on to the memories, the inside jokes, and the experiences, and you wait for them again next year. And if that isn’t good enough, technology can be a beautiful thing. Worked wonders this year!

Lastly, I wanted to apologise to any readers of the blog squad. When I was offered this position, I had agreed to update the blog weekly on issues that pertained or related to UBC. This last semester I failed to do so, and I fee like I’ve let people down. This program is amazing, and at this point I’m not sure if next year I’ll be able to be part of it. Guess we’ll see in the near future.

To end, I wanted to wish everyone best of luck on their upcoming exams, a fun filled summer, and overall well-being. This may be my last entry until my exams are over, and incase I won’t be returning, thanks to all of you that have been part of my blogging endeavour. Hopefully my experiences have given you some insight on the magical things that happen at this school.



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