On Tuesday September 19, I got assigned a team in my Marketing class to analyze a company, both Micro and Macro environments and come up with a new marketing strategy for the company. Our team chose to pursue research in AXE, since they are a well known company who specializes in grooming products, mainly Deodorant spray and body wash. When I was researching the trend of advertisements that AXE uses I realized that almost every single Axe ad contained sexuality/seduction and comedy as their main themes. This makes perfect sense considering their target market is males from ages 14-25, and what better way to attract a males attention by sex or comedy. One commercial that especially caught my eye was the Axe Detailer “can clean your balls ,” campaign. This commercial was banned from Television due to its content shortly after being aired.The commercial is more humor based, and uses a simile for man parts with all types of “Balls,” because we know all men come in different shapes and sizes. Despite the Axe Detailer “Clean your balls,” campaign, the video still went viral online, and has been watched by millions. It is interesting to find that even though it got banned, consumers are still watching the video for self amusement, an EXCELLENT marketing strategy in my opinion. I think that even if advertisements are riskee and are banned, the company can still promote it’s product through consumer’s word of mouth, especially with such a genius ad. I am a prime example of the benefits Axe is getting from the video going viral. After making me crack up while watching it, I just HAD to post it on my Facebook to share with friends.
See video below how Axe Detailed, can “Clean your balls.”