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Mar 4 / bonnieyeung


I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues.

– The Lorax (Dr. Seuss) 

This movie made $70 million this weekend, despite it not doing so well with RottenTomatoes critics (they rated it 57%, and yes! I do take rotten tomato ratings seriously!) A movie voiced by Danny DeVito, Betty White, Zac Efron and Taylor Swift just to name a few sounds like any other Hollywood 3-D animation movie right? After watching the trailer, you could tell immediately that this movie is not as shallow as it seems.

An adaptation of a classic Dr. Seuss tale, this movie sounds to me, like a lesson for kids to notice the deteriorating effects happening around them and dare I say it, promoting sustainability? Lorax was written in 1971, so I doubt Dr. Seuss had any hidden agenda in mind as he wrote about a world without trees; after all, he was the man responsible for something as senseless as green eggs and ham. Apparently conservatives have already been complaining and accusing Lorax, the movie,for trying to brainwash children into green living. Just by watching the trailer, I would assume that their accusations are correct — perhaps this movie is trying to motivate kids to appreciate their environment and preserve the world, but to be honest, I don’t see how this is bad thing. As time goes by, limited resources will only be used up more and quicker, and younger generations should learn this reality and learn that they have the ability to do something about it.

I haven’t seen the movie yet, but it seems very cute — a movie that young kids enjoy. After all, we all know the ending to this one; Zac Efron ends up saving the world and gets the girl!  Has anyone seen it or heard reviews about it?

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  1. Karolina Nowak / Apr 1 2012

    This is such a cute movie! And the idea to target such a young audience and begin to instill the idea of sustainability is great. I just read an article about how a lot of highschools in the states are incorporating environmental and sustainability courses into their curriculums. I think that even starting sooner than highschool is a lot more beneficial. If societies begin to take responsibility for their actions and teach young generations of the negative impacts we can all have on our environment, the barrier or adapting behaviors will decrease. If children are taught early on they can change their behaviors early enough to incorporate them into their adult life. I think this will have a beneficial impact on the growth of sustainability across generations.

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