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Mar 13 / bonnieyeung

Top 10 sustainable homes

These mansions are beautiful, you dont have to be an architect to enjoy looking through these pictures to get inspired. These houses are scattered across the world from L.A. all the way to south africa and are voted as the most sustainable homes in 2010.

From the top 10 I picked the most intriguing ones that I wanted to share with you.

IKAROS house in Germany produces more energy than it consumes! Solar panels, vacuum insulation panels, efficient mechanical systems and natural ventilation are installed in the home. I think the cheese-grater like side walls on the side makes the house really stand out!



Cases No Gere was built in Portugal’s national park and all only uses eco-friendly materials and there were no trees cut down during its production! The owners must have spent a lot of money to be granted the privelage to live inside the national park, but I wonder how they fare in terms of safety (from home invasions, and wildlife of course)


all the photos were taken from; check out the full list of the most sustainable homes in the world in 2010 at

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