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Mar 17 / bonnieyeung

Sustainable Guacatruck

I’m 100% on the bandwagon in the food cart craze in vancouver; it’s such a cool concept, decently priced, convenient depending on the food cart’s location that day and there’s no need to pay tips!  I forgot to mention that the food usually tastes great too! My favorites in Vancouver are La Brasserie Street just outside the London Drugs on Granville, Re-up food cart (pulled pork burgers!), and JapaDog. I’ve never thought about the sustainability of these trucks though until I came across an article on Guactruck, which uses sustainability as one of its marketing points. Considering the refrigeration, disposable packaging containers that the food comes in, and the truck that drives around every single day to bring the truck to the right location — it’s hard to imagine how a food truck would be very sustainable.

This is what Guactruck claims as its sustainable initiatives:


Guactruck is an intelligently designed mobile eatery upcycled from an old delivery van. The whole fabrication process was done in Manila and materials used are sourced locally, minimizing our total carbon footprint.


LEDs and energy efficient lighting are used to limit our total energy consumption.


We encourage customers to return our packaging, which we send to a recycling center, to reduce waste going to landfills.


The cutlery we provide is made from cornstarch and biodegrades within 90 days, again, to minimize waste going to landfills.


We utilize a small footprint by maximizing the available space within a 12 feet by 6.5 feet delivery truck.”



Their packaging comes in a cool, visible-pleasing little origami design that is made from 1 piece of biodegradable cardboard (no plastic / plastic was used in its creation!). Even cooler is its “loyalty system” where customers receive a stamp for every time they return the packaging to the foodtruck and they get a free meal when they reach 10 stamps. According to Guacatruck, they want to ensure that the used materials are sent to the proper channels for recycling, and who knows better than themselves? I love the whole concept of this sustainable food truck and props to Guactruck especially for taking so many steps towards sustainability.

Taken from


Considering the vast amount of food trucks in Vancouver alone, I hope to see some of them take their environmental impact into consideration too. Personally, I think Vancouverites would easily be wooed by the sound of “green-eating” involving food trucks since they seem to love street eating already. I hope to see sustainable food trucks in the USA as well since that is where the food truck craze seems to have began. It’s really too bad this truck is located all the way in the Phillipines or else I’d definitely head over to give it a try! I hope they keep up the good work!


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  1. jenniewong / Mar 21 2012

    This is really neat. I never thought of food trucks being sustainable either. I remember Chipotle Mexican Grill also has a food truck that drives to different locations in Texas. I doubled checked and their truck is not sustainable despite that their supply chain (manufacturing) is geared towards organic.

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