Tesla’s Patents

In Kevin Kriegbaum’s Blog “Tesla’s Unique Approach to Patents,” he highlights the fact that Tesla lets other companies use their patents without fear of lawsuits. I agree with this perspective. Kevin explained that this practice would help grow the electric car market by allowing more competition into it thus getting more exposure.  By adding Jack Trout’s Position theory to what Kevin is saying, Tesla doesn’t have to worry about the fact that more competition would take away some of their business. Tesla, in the mind of the consumers, was the first producer in the high-end electric car industry and it would take a lot of resources from other companies to shift the consumers’ mind. Also with more competition comes more marketing that will only give Tesla and other electric cars makers more exposure. This exposure is important because as of right now the electric car market only accounts for 1% of sales.

Elon Musk is not only allowing others access to Telsa’s patents for economical sustainability, but also to be environmentally sustainable.  Musk’s growing concern for global warming and wanting to get the mass market to shift to electric cars to stop global warming is a key motivator. Elon Musk said in a conference, “I don’t think people quite appreciate the gravity of what is going on with regard to global warming or just how much inertia the climate has. We really need to do something. It would be shortsighted if we try to hold these things close to our vest.”

Business Insider, 12 June 2014. Web. 15, Oct. 2014.



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