Drink Water

In the action sports industry there are virtually endless endorsements. We see these in the form of stickers on the top athletes’ gear, commercials during breaks in the action, and on-site billboard-style ads. All of these companies have attempted to capitalize on the lucrative marketing opportunities that are presented by the demographic of action sports enthusiasts, who tend to be exceptionally drawn toward trends and heavily influenced by media.

Now, I can understand when Atomic or Burton (top ski and snowboard brand names) are promoting their goods at a snow-sport event. It is relevant and effective. However, in recent years energy drink companies such as Red Bull and Monster Energy have taken over the scene. They have found a cozy niche within the action sports world, where they are now making ridiculous profits and have become extremely effective at encouraging young people to consume their product.

When Austin Smith and Bryan Fox, two top-tier snowboarders, got fed up with the status quo, the “Drink Water” concept was born. In combat of the energy drinks’ impact in the industry, Drink Water simply says, “drink water”. Throw out the garbage and get back to the essentials. And to the athletes, the message is to stop signing contracts with these industry giants and to use their influence as athletes to communicate the importance of healthy consumption.

Although Smith and Fox originally just wrote the phrase on their snowboards, they now supply clothing and stickers for consumers to represent Drink Water and be part of the movement.

Beyond the original intention (to shift some of the control away from these energy drink distributors and encourage healthy consumption) Drink Water also donates 10% of profits to Water.org, a non-profit organization that works to drill wells to fight the water crisis in the developing world.


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