So, here I am fully, immersed in the social machine that is UBC. So far, it’s pretty good. People smile at you and you smile back, total strangers come up and chat about heady topics like Bloom’s Taxonomy, and whether light or dark roast contains more caffeine (it’s light).
This also marks week 13 of no running water at our “super deal” rental property in Surrey, and everyday I thank the LAP (Surrey Leisure Access Plan) for the $112 yearly membership for the financially disempowered. I stay (relatively) in shape, and relatively clean – and the staff there is nothing short of amazing.
But I digress….(just learned that one this week).
I try to spend a few minutes each day chatting and getting to know my profs, all of whom have very diverse backgrounds, and by that rationale offer up some very unique perspectives on teaching. Sure, the course content is great, but I’m always more interested in the human experience, even if I’m sitting in the back with my ears open, and my mouth wide shut.
So I’m not going to re-iterate all the methods I’m absorbing right now, as we’re all paddling the same boat here, but I will mention the brain – perfect – storming I’ve been doing on the inquiry issue (See inquiry link to satisfy you’re burning curiosity).
As we pile into the last week of September, my goal remains the same:stay calm, absorb the information, trust my own judgement, and play my own game. Now that last one is a little ambiguous, as the new focus is group learning dynamics, and I wholeheartedly support it – with reservations. Its pretty easy to be overcome with your own insecurities in a place like this, and in doing so lose your place in the whole dynamic, so it’s important to just throw it out there (in an educated and responsible manner), and have your voice heard. People aren’t always going to agree with you, and sometimes may even take it personally. Being 47, this is no longer an issue for me (I think).