Whoops, spoke too soon


Okay, so I guess you’re going to have good days and bad days, yesterday was the latter. I think I did a bit too much in-head self glorification coming off a couple of good presentations, the crash was imminent.

Oh well, lesson learned, time to move on to Pecha Kucha. So this standing in front of a room full of academics has always been a bit of an issue for me, and trying to pull it off without crib notes is a whole new level of difficulty my mind, so how am I going to overcome this? Apparently, through repetition and practice. If I wasn’t down to 4 hours of sleep a night I would consider toastmasters, but I think that may have to be a spring/summer endeavor.

Other than that, things are pretty good. I know more about Bordieu than the average Joe, have a decent handle on protective factors of resiliency, and have a framework in my head of “how I’m going to pull in that distant loner kid in the back row whom I’ve never heard speak, and turn them into an engaged, functioning pillar of future society”.

By the way, this is a free form blog, so I only correct horrendous errors in grammar and spelling (don’t want to interrupt the stream of conciousness for such triviality – sorry English cohort).

In other engaging news: Entering week 18 with no running water. Actually, the only things running are my friends when they see me coming with “favour please” virtually tattooed on my forehead, and my nose this week as we enter cold season (when exactly is that?). My new National guitar! Wow, so shiny and clean, and buzzing on the saddle somewhere!? Yes, have to rip my baby apart and sleuth out the source of this audible atrocity – its totally messing up my flow and I need the sanity blanket it provides. On that note, please see my artist of the week section on R.L. Burnside. This guy’s gonna knock your socks off!


Breaking news: As of Saturday, Oct. 21, we have running water! Please friends, don’t ever take for granted the priveledge and joy of turning a tap, and having something (preferably clear) come out. We have it good here.


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