Wow, that certainly flew by. What a great experience it was to get out to Keremeos and see a completely different style of teaching and administration, and a different culture of kids.
I think this opportunity to step out of our newly forged roles to see yet another different perspective was very well timed indeed. As I go to the different districts and schools, I see many educators, new and veteran, weaving the new curriculum into their teaching, taking the best of the old, and reworking and fitting it with and into the new. I see the advantages of talking with teachers who have seen 2 or 3 permutations of curriculum change as well as those who entered in on the ground floor, and try to adapt their styles and advice into my teaching repetoire. The best thing about this whole community? – They share everything, and go to great lengths to elevate you up to the highest point you can be at as you enter your first year with so many ideas, projects, strategies, and moral promises.
I think the group I will miss the most from this experience is the elementary drama gang. This group was so quick to take us in and share their cool quirkiness that it was almost overwhelming. Goodbye today was hard, and the kids let us know that we would be missed. That class was pretty far off my normal beaten path, and I’m very happy Naryn gave me the opportunity to teach it alongside Elaina who I think got the same out of it as I did. Thinking back on this class, I felt like I was totally myself with this group, and that they didn’t any more than the real me to take them through our acting skits and scenarios. I have to remember that feeling, because I (and I’m sure everyone else in the profession) feel that I do my best work when I’m not preoccupied with trying to be anyone other than who I am. Sounds obvious and redundant, but that concept carries a great deal of weight for me.
Working with Mr’s Toth and Collins has been a great experience as well! I met some very cool students in both classes, and certainly hope to cross paths with them again. Although the students ride those guys a lot, I can see the admiration and respect they have for them equally clearly. A lot of the students politely accepted the help I offered, but their go to guys were always Toth and Collins. I hope I have a group of students that loyal and fun in my first job, similar to the group I was lucky enough to teach in Courtenay the last few months, and I see what elements of my teaching style I may alter based on the strength of connection these guys were able to make with this group.
It’s hard not to compare and contrast this shorter experience with the longer one I had in Courtenay. The Island school was certainly intense, and I had a lot of sleepless nights, but the hard working crew there always had a way of easing my mind and elevating me to my absolute best every day, and the kids responded well to my new ideas and course projects. Here in Keremeos, the relaxed atmosphere and small town kindness reminded me a lot of my school days in southern Manitoba, and I was able to revisit some of those earlier memories and mix in with the kids (especially the elementary ones) on a more natural level. As icing on the cake, Dave and Marcus (our Faculty advisor and the director of learning inquiry) took us out for a tour of the district (and dinner AND ice cream) so we could have a look at what was happening within, and meet some of the great people that make up district 53.
So, in grand closing fashion to my practicum experience, I have no doubt that I had chosen the right profession, and no doubt that I will pass on the courtesies and assistance shown me through this apex of a multi year journey (I was originally going to do this in 1995….but that’s another reflection for another day) To a future group of TC’s coming down the line.