Attempts to Define: Text & Technology


I think of ‘text’ as a physical or visual manifestation of language.  It could be letters and words, but also drawings, shapes, a variety of characters: infinite languages transcribed.  Something about it being ‘text’ implies that the result or creation is at least once removed from its original source. I mean, most everything is removed from its original source, if we consider the original source to be thought – yet there are a multitude of elements, processes, collected histories and possibilities that transpire in the space between thought and text.


The term ‘technology’ encompasses a vast history of human innovation in the creation of tools that intend to facilitate and improve the function of an activity.  It is difficult to contemplate ‘technology’ without conjuring the concept of the dialectic, or more accurately, a never-ending progression of human creation, continuously gathering momentum. (This metaphor looks very different when viewed from a utopian perspective versus a dystopian one).

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