Final Project: Describing Communication Technologies


For my final project I decided to look at Tumblr from an academic perspective.  Tumblr is part social media platform, part archive, part microblog, part cool hang-out space, and I know this as a former long-time user of the technology.  It was enlightening to research the platform through academic studies and cultural discourse to read others’ reflections of experiences I had only felt and lived, but never verbally expressed.

The themes that emerged through the readings were of affect, art and technology, the concept of fandoms and new forms of open and free peer encouraged pedagogies.

The video above is simply a screen vid of me scrolling through the site. My #original material is pieced together and collaged amongst found and reblogged media throughout the Tumblr. Take a look and see if you can find my work in the following formats:

  • 3 mini essays
  • 2 GIFs
  • 1 meme
  • 1 TV still (reblogged from the past)
  • 1 photo (latergrammed – I know, wrong platform)
  • An interview with a real Tumblr celebrity


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