Could Quantum Computing become a game-changer?

Quantum Computing

While watching a documentary about recent technology, I found that quantum computing can be one of the solutions to climate change. It sounded interesting, so I went into more depth.

First, to people unfamiliar with quantum computing, quantum computing is a revolutionary technology that harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to perform complex computations. According to an article written by McKinsey, even though the technology is in its early stage, it is estimated that the first generation of fault-tolerant quantum computing will arrive in the second half of this decade. Unlike classical computing, quantum computing uses quantum bits (qubits) that can exist in multiple states simultaneously. This capability enables quantum computers to perform calculations faster and more efficiently than classical computers.

Moreover, considering the massive potential of this technology, investment has been increasing rapidly for the past five years. As seen from the graph below, the amount of investment went up to 700 million in 2020 and keeps growing today.

Quantum-computing activity has risen sharply in the past five years.Impact of Quantum computing on the environment

While there are significant numbers of areas this technology could work with, one example could be using quantum computing to design new catalysts. According to International Energy Authority,  it is said that with these new catalysts, Carbon capture, usage, and storage (CCUS) will make up 50% of heavy industry emissions reductions by 2050. What is more, quantum computing is also expected to reduce the cost of creating each carbon-capturing machine. This is because, using this disruptive technology, it is believed that we could use metals and precious materials more cheaply by producing metals, plastics, and concrete from carbon directly out of the air.

It would be fascinating if this technology becomes standard in our future. Still, considering encryption danger, the need for investment, and other ethical problems, it might not be practical as we predict. Only time will tell if we can use quantum computers in the near future.


How quantum computing can help tackle climate change – Riverlane

quantum-computing-for-innovative-climate-change-solutions | World Economic Forum (

Quantum computing just might save the planet | McKinsey

The current state of quantum computing: Between hype and revolution | McKinsey & Company


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