Hulk Can Now Save Cinderella

It really bothered me when Disney bought nearly all of Marvel’s heroes a few years ago. To me, it seems like a great for Disney and a bad one for comic book fans. A roster of more than 5,000 characters cost Disney $4 billion (1). Apart from Spider-Man, which is owned by Sony Corp., Disney now owns the entire Marvel Universe and can unfortunately do with it as it pleases.

Why Unfortunately? As a comic book reader when I was young, it seems wrong to me that a company associated with Hannah Montana and High School Musical now has the rights to control the paths of such important characters. Considering that super hero movies alone have the potential of making $1 billion ($1,511,757,910 in The Avenger’s case), a company like Disney might want to make these characters simpler and more relatable to specific audiences; children and teens. Don’t get me wrong; I love many Disney characters like Tarzan and Hercules. However, most of Marvel’s characters have been constructed under dark and complex roots, with complicated story lines and truly evil villains

There might be some positive aspects to Disney’s acquisition after all like more movies featuring Marvel’s beloved characters being produced. These Movies however, will have great special effects but no script, PG ratings for all audiences ruining characters and storylines that are violent by nature, and other modifications simply to make more money. The chart below how profitable recent super hero movies have been, with an average of 225.80% of profit.

With this being shown, I truly hope Disney respects Marvel’s history by attempting to improve it, not only to make large amounts of money.



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