How Safe is it to Make Gains?

I’ve always had doubts about supplements, their safeness and effectiveness. In fact many people to have the same distrust and disbelief as I have. It has been hard for the nutrition supplement market to overcome the association with steroids. People also have the impression that the supplement industry is completely unregulated. A blog entry by 3FU3L emphasizes the rigorous process that supplements go through to reach the shelves like any other dietary product. As explained in the blog, there is so much the DEA and other agencies can do to oversee the dietary supplements. This is when unregulated supplements thrive in the market.

Some people seem desperate to gain muscle mass in short periods of time. When the ad promises “mutant gains”, they can be reckless and unconcerned with the fabrication and ingredients involved with the supplement putting their health to risk. This multi-billion dollar industry continues to grow and impress with each new year’s astronomical numbers. However, it’s still an extremely under-regulated industry that feeds of people’s desire to achieve a better aesthetical appearance and athletic performance. Spending time with people that work out frequently and consume nutrition supplements I have come to understand that it is safe. Even so one has to understand the composition of these supplements together with the right method and right frequency to consume them.

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