The imminent Death of Printed News

The Internet has been the catalyst for many new ideas, project and businesses. It has also been the main reason for the demise of countless others. Newspapers are an example of this. People have been talking about the death of Newspapers for some time now. This applies to many other industries such as books and postal services. I myself have never been a fan of reading newspapers that much except for the sports section. How can printed news survive now that you can get every single news update from every online news media by a simple click?

Both the Former editorial director of News Corp in Queensland David and the 19 year-old journalist intern at The (Springfield, Mass.) Republican, share the same opinion (1)(2). They believe in continual need for “clear and sharp” journalistic writing and the inception of many new strategies and journalistic streams. They also talk about the alarming shrinkage that the newspaper market is suffering. The generational divide from people that have grown accustomed to getting their news from printed sources and the younger crowd, that has access to fast and updated news reflects this situation. It seems like the loss of newspaper popularity has become irreversible. The way out of such hard times appears to come from the source of detriment. Newspaper companies have to adapt to the market demand and find forms to be online, available through many other media streams.



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