Help with content
If you don’t understand something, ask! Otherwise, that gap will become bigger and bigger and then you will just be lost.
Ariana – former Math 110 student
If you would like help in understanding the lectures, homework or other aspects of the course, don’t by shy about asking for help. There are many places where you can ask questions and get help:
- The Math Learning Centre (MLC).
- Your professor’s office hours. If you are unsure about seeing your prof, see this page about interacting with profs.
- The Piazza website for your course (if available).
- The AMS tutoring website (offers free group tutoring and individual tutors that charge per hour).
Help with motivation
Setting up scheduled study sessions with your friends will ensure that you always get your assigned work and practice done. Doing so will also allow you to find out what you do and don’t know, identifying gaps in your knowledge that you can help each other overcome.
Bryan – former Math 110 student
If you are struggling with your motivation and time management, here are some options to consider:
- If you have a friend who is also struggling with their motivation, consider working together and keeping each other accountable to doing additional practice.
- Consider working with a study group. You can form a group with people you meet in class, workshops or the MLC. Another option is to organize a group through the course forum (Piazza), or by searching for classmates on the Facebook page for your course (note: the Facebook pages are not officially supported by UBC).
- For help with time management, see this learning commons page on time management, or consider making an appointment with Science Peer Academic Coaches.
- For help with stress, lifestyle and other issues, visit the Wellness Centre.
Academic advising and counselling
If you’re finding that you’re going through personal difficulties, do not make the mistake of suffering in silence. You are not alone in experiencing these difficulties, and reaching out for help is the best thing you can do for yourself. Here are some important resources on campus: