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Archive for February, 2011

Co-Branding Inc.

Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Some brands nowadays employ “fusioning”, the combination of 2 brands, in order to vamp up their sales. They try to create unique products using market penetration and/ or diversification strategies (target more sectors of the population and/ or even create new markets) for this “one of a kind” products. In the case of 686, a […]

Guerrilla Marketing

Thursday, February 10th, 2011

Watch this ad first: Now what do you think about it? Do you relate to the ad? Would you tell a friend about it? This is the kind of strategy Guerrilla Marketing uses, a sort of psychological way of thinking. This kind of advertisement plays with our minds and helps us in some way to […]

Girls Only!

Thursday, February 3rd, 2011

Surfing on the web looking for some research for my assignment I came across a girl’s only outdoor clothing company, Cilla, that started somewhere in Whistler 4 years ago… The main icon Cilla offers is the “Cilla’s Band” which is basically an interchangeable skirt attached to selected tops. This band works as a water repellent […]

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