Fight of the “Titans”
Going over Jae-Ah Ho’s blogs I found a very interesting topic: Ipad 2 and Apple’s pricing strategy. In deed Apple is coming with a lot of momentum when talking about the launching of the Ipad 2. This light weight champion is coming lighter, two times faster, and 2 cameras than its predecessor. The best part of all, at the same price! Like Jae-Ah mentioned on his blog, they are using a market-minus pricing, but why? Because of Samsung’s second tablet generation. Samsung is working on a new “Galaxy Tab”, the 10.1 model, which has a bigger screen than the previous one and is more of an Ipad rival. Unfortunately for Samsung this shocking Ipad 2 release made them freeze the release of their all new Galaxy tab and work on a few last minute details to be a bit more competitive against the Ipad 2. What it hurts the most to the South Korean electronics giant is the competitor’s price. Did Apple succeeded with their pricing strategy? So far there are no signs of the new Galaxy Tab release date, just a mere “coming soon”. To top things up, Apple brought Steve Jobs to the stage, who is on a medical leave, to increase expectations (If jobs is introducing the Ipad 2 you know is going to be a hit!) and maintain the already starling Apple customer loyalty.
Like Jobs said on his last appearance “2011 is the year of the copy cat”, I think that is why Apple is coming strong and trying to kick everyone out of the Tablet band wagon before it even starts moving.