Course Description
English 301 is a writing course that aims to educate students in writing in a professional environment. The course focuses on developing students’ communication and writing skills through readings and a series of assignments. Students are taught how to communicate professionally through correspondence with their writing teams. Building on communication skills has become significantly more important due to recent adjustments in the workplace, which means a heavy reliance on communication through technology.
The course is broken up into four units which focus on cultivating skills needed in a professional setting. Not only will students practise their communication skills, but they will also practice specialised writing techniques and how to write in a professional style and tone through assignments such as proposal writing and writing a formal report. Moreover, one will also practice networking and resume building by developing an online presence by developing a personal website and creating a LinkedIn page. Finally, students will also expand their self-editing and peer review skills through continual refinement of their works with the aid of their peers and professor.
I hope that through this course, I will be able to expand my knowledge with valuable and applicable skills that will aid me when I start my professional career. Although I do not know what profession to go into, I am incredibly aware of how important it is in most jobs to have good communication skills; thus, I hope this course helps me improve upon these skills to aid me in the future. I have little knowledge of professional writing, so I believe this course will assist me in enhancing these writing skills. Furthermore, I will be graduating soon and therefore applying for jobs, so I am optimistic that this course will help me in networking and building a solid resume which will help me when job hunting.

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