Controversy Looms as Keystone XL Pipeline Awaits U.S. Approval

In 2010 the Keystone Pipeline that stretches from Hardisty, Alberta to Patoka Illinois. The pipeline’s sole purpose is to transport crude oil from the oil sands in Alberta to refineries in the United States. Keystone XL on the other hand is a proposed extension of the initial Keystone Pipeline and it would extend the present pipeline from Nebraska down to larger oil refineries in Texas, where it would be able to be easily distributed to the rest of the United States and shipped worldwide. Those within both the Canadian and American governments tout the project for its economic potential, its potential to create jobs and to increase trade between the United States and Canada. However, on the other hand, given that the Keystone XL extension would increase usage of the pipeline there have been many environmental activists who staunchly oppose the extension.

It is their belief that the environmental hardships that would result with the creation of the extension, such as the increase in risk of oil spill as a result of increased usage as well as the ecosystems that will be damaged as a result of creation of the extension of the pipe, will not outweigh the highly touted potential economic benefits. At this point that calculus is what President Barack Obama must consider as he holds the power to finalize the agreement that would allow the creation of the Keystone XL extension. Canadian and American government officials expect him to approve the agreement, but given how long he has taken to make the decision there is still some question as to whether or not he’ll approve it.

Ultimately the decision comes down to environmental ethics and whether or not the potential to further hurt the environment should outweigh the potential economic benefits. There is those who argue for both sides, but given the current lingering state of despair that the U.S. finds itself in, it would seem that the opportunity of increased employment and trade is too good for the U.S. government to pass up.

Globe & Mail –
TransCanada –

Picture Courtesy of Ankakay via Flickr

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