Can Twitter Keep Up?

Twitter was a concept that was before its time. It became a successful SMS-based social network by entering the mobile industry when other companies didn’t notice the opportunity. By taking the approach of targeting the mobile industry before moving towards computers, Twitter was able to compete against other social network companies such as Facebook. Twitter distinguished itself by allowing users to message one’s thoughts out for anyone who is interested to hear. On the other hand, Facebook intended to have their followers leave a social legacy of their time spent on Facebook, while at the same time, give their users the ability to interact with others doing the same thing. They accomplish this by integrating more tools and methods for users to share their stories. This is why Facebook became increasingly more popular whereas Twitter wasn’t able to keep up nearly to the same extent of Facebook. To my understanding, Facebook showed innovation and adaptation to the the fast changes of the social media world. Twitter has stayed fairly static in what they offer to the user. Is it possible that users are growing tired of the blandness that Twitter is becoming? Could this explain their decline in marginal growth. 

Perez, Sarah. “The Potential And Pitfalls Of Twitter’s Mobile Business.” TechCrunch RSS. AOL Tech, 10 Oct. 2013. Web. 06 Oct. 2013. <>.

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