Africa: The Continent of the Future?

Generally speaking, when we think about Africa’s economic resources, usually natural resources come to mind. However, according to theĀ Director of the University of Cambridge Master of Finance degree, Simon Taylor’s business blog, Africa’s economic potential may greatly lie within it’s people. Africa is in a stage of demographic transition that will soon lead to the continent having a large supply of working age individuals.
According to this diagram found within Taylor’s blog, Africa is in an upward trend of working age population and this could spell great things for Africa’s future economy. However, before the population can be properly utilized, Africa has to fix up the other challenges that the population faces, particularly education.


Less than 30% of Africans attend secondary school which is an alarmingly low number. If education doesn’t rise with the age trends of the future, Africa won’t be able to fully take advantage of it’s population strength.

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