RE: Mark Sha’s Post On Walmart Supply Chain

In response to Mark Sha’s post about Walmart, I can say that I agree with his analysis of the company and the situation. Walmart, being one of the biggest and most successful retail stores in North America, it is safe to say that their success has been contributed largely in part due to their efficient, supply chain management. Because they are so massive carrying thousands and thousands of products, keeping track on inventory is often a hassle that is hard to track down.

Using digital mobility is an incredibly smart move like Mark mentioned and I believe that this will propel Walmart to even greater heights. There is a story I heard on the news that if a Walmart wants to move into a neighborhood  they have to have special approval from the city and the council because whenever a new Walmart comes into a region, all the small businesses cannot compete with them and all go out of business. This is evidence of Walmart’s success in what they are currently doing and will continue to keep doing in the near future. Competitors seriously need to watch their backs!

Link to Mark’s post below:

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