Outwitting The Giant: The Battle For Technological Dominance

In the past 10 years, the technological industry has seen drastic change never seen before in history. Google Inc, founded by Larry Page and Sergei Brin, has now grown so large and powerful, many analysts are pondering what might come next. In a recent acquisition  Google purchased Motorola Mobility Holdings for $12.5 Billion which means Google is another step closer to dominating the cell phone market. The introduction of Google’s Android technology was a direct strike aimed at challenging Apple Inc’s OS which is prevalent in all their popular products. However, with this recent acquisition  many now are questioning whether other partners such as Samsung will continue to cooperate because of the new threat being posed which in turn, means profitability to competitors such as RIM and Apple.


Google might be powerful, yet they lack in specialization in a specific field or industry. Companies such as Apple has already specialized and monopolized the personal music player market and now deem a large portion of the cellular phone industry due in part to its success with the iPhone 5. What Google needs to do is stick to what they do best and not dabble in other industries because that often leads to wasted time, resources and man power. After careful analysis, the best course of action for Google is not to buy up massive amounts of start up software companies but instead, hire more engineers and personnel to create it instead.

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