Targeting Vancouver

Target has recently announced that they will be introducing a multitude of stores in Vancouver and all across Canada. Target has been a well established brand in the United States for many years now and continues to grow and compete with major rivals such as Walmart. With this new introduction, many Canadian customers are pleased that they can now have access to cheaper, US themed goods that are quite sought after in today’s economy. Quoting the Huffington Post “The U.S.-based clothing company plans to open close to 200 new stores and will hire some 27,000 employees.” This means that there will be more jobs available, helping boost Canada’s unemployment and economy with the expanse of new job opportunities.



However, in my opinion, I view multiple negative effects this new introduction could have on our Canadian economy. With Walmart already dominating most of the competition around them (no one can really compete with their cheap prices), introducing another retail behemoth could potentially destroy many of the small businesses around the country that are struggling amid these major suppliers. This could cause small business owners to go out of business and cause problems to arise not only financially but economically as well.

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