Telling the Rights and Wrongs in Business

Business ethics. Usually business people are scared of this term. Why? Because usually people take shortcuts and cheat the system in order to maximize their wallets and improve business. It’s wrong and people still do it because of money and greed. As the next generation of business leaders, it is important for us to recognize having good business ethics is crucial to succeeding not only in the business world but in life.


Having good ethics as a company is a positive aspect that customers truly recognize. Helping out in the community, sponsoring social enterprise projects, not taking production shortcuts, these are all good examples of positive business ethics. No one wants to be the company that is tarnished by the media or involved with a major scandal in which customers consumed or purchased products which in turn resulted in injury or even death because of negligence.  I want to succeed in the business world, however, I will never betray my values or morals in order to achieve greater revenues at the expense of others. That is the key to success.

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