In the 21st century, consumers are becoming more and more used to the concept of unlimited rates – especially in the electronics sector: Unlimited text messages, unlimited evenings and weekends minutes on our cellphones. unlimited TV show and movie streaming and so on. Now for those of us who still pay for much of our music and access all of it through Apple’s iTunes, a new form of unlimited rates may be arriving soon in the form of unlimited music downloads.

The New York Post has reported that Apple may be in discussions with several music labels on getting on board. It is alleged that the unlimited plans will come in two price structures – one at $10 a month and the other at $15 a month. While current stateside competitors have similar plans, analysts believe Apple’s push to an unlimited service is because of the two big competing services that may soon join the North American market – Spotify and Google Music.

While Google Music and Spotify have yet to break into the market, Apple’s move is preempting their arrival by rallying for their own service to get started beforehand. This will give Apple a stronger user-base to pull from when and if the newcomers come into town. The concept is to give their current consumers the service so that when The Big G comes a knocking, there will be less reason for Apple lovers to cross the floor.

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