Apple’s iPad has been receiving tons of praise for it’s revolutionary, change everything take on technology. And according to a recent Nielsen Company report, it generally has. The report is based off a 5,000 strong sample size of the tablet’s owners and has revealed some promising news: people use their iPads to access media.

As it turns out, more tech users are using their iPad for content like books, TV shows and magazines on the device than their iPhones. This is mostly due to the iPad’s larger sized screen, likely giving users a more enjoyable viewing/reading experience. This is great news for movie and book companies as it means more people are paying for this media content. Before the iPad’s release most people would be illegally downloading movies or borrowing them (along with books) from the library. These actions left serious dents in the revenue streams of said companies.

The next step for Apple and the companies who create apps for the iPad is to push app downloads even more. Surprisingly enough, only about two thirds of the iPad’s owners have downloaded apps. If Apple can increase this number to over the 90% range, Apple and it’s Apple Store constituents can see even higher amounts of print and video content will be accessed legally.

Nielsen is a marketing research company, and as we have discussed, their findings are very important to finding areas of weakness in business climates or situations. Clearly in Apple’s iPad situation, they’d like to make a huge push towards app sales, a notion largely thought to be hugely successful for Apple. At this time, for the iPad, this is not the case – showing the importance of marketing research.

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