-Blog Post for Comm299-
Nearing the end of yet another term here at UBC Sauder School of Business calls for reflection. Comm299 is a course on career fundamentals, and has taught me many things about myself and what Sauder offers it’s students. As such, I’ll refrain from long, drawn out statements, but a series of smaller things I’ve learned over the course of the term, a la Esquire’s excellent What I’ve Learned series
About Myself
As the above image suggests, StrengthsQuest seems to think I’m a pretty good team player – my “Signature Themes” are Individualization, Restorative, Arranger, Includer and Strategic. I’ve always heard from others that I have a knack for managing people because I “get” them. Still don’t really buy it, but having an online assessment restate it is interesting.
Interviews used to scare me, because I usually take some time to process questions, but after a lot of lessons (many being generously personal) and in class exercises from my TA, Cole, I found “general stems” to certain types of questions. This doesn’t mean scripting an answer, but having a topic/point of involvement to discuss when prompted with a certain type of question.
My answers to many interview questions tend to be longer and more drawn out than they need to be. Something that I’m working on.
I can be spontaneous if a good enough opportunity presents itself. When work and a couple of classes got cancelled the day of the Me Inc. Conference (informed of the cancellations, literally 12 hours before the conference date), I made a quick decision to join my peers into what surely can be considered the second rite of passage for first year Sauderites, after FROSH, of course.
In terms of those information interviews and approach letters, I guess I was ahead of the game. In that sense, I’ve definitely been trending towards a good path to success.
I’m a pretty eloquent writer, but a lack of proof reading makes me sound silly.
About the business world/Sauder
The business world is full of neat freaks. Good thing I had a great adviser from the BCC to help me go over it. Turns out ex-299 profs are sticklers for this stuff and can pick misaligned margins out of endless white – just like many executives can.
Networking had a sort of stigma heading into 299 (and Me Inc.), with people talking about how Sauderites often “network” just to get ahead. Turns out my initial belief that networking is all about creating relationships from which both individuals can benefit.
Music is a great way to engage a class. Our TA used it strategically as we entered the class and worked on certain exercises. Kept me – among others I’m certain – from zoning out.
Business people are humans too, it turns out. I’ve got to meet a couple of amazing people because of 299’s instructors’ encouragement to attend Me Inc. and go out and find the people who inspire me. I’ve found some possible mentors and am very excited to what these new relationships may become!