comm101_1 blog post #1–canadian-tire-chief-shuffles-management-tells-employees-to-shape-up

The article I read is about the changing attitude of Canadian Tire. Currently their business is being beaten by fellow competitors such as Zellers and Walmart. In this article the Canadian Tire CEO Stephen Wetmore is calling on his employee’s for a change in attitude, in the midst of poor numbers and a shake-up in management. This article relates to what we are learning in class because althought Canadian Tire is not adding food to their stock they are trying to make a drastic change. As well this change is necessary to stay in competition with Wal Mart and Zellers.I personally think that this is a smart move in order to rally his employees to improve their work. In the near future, however I do not beleive that this will be enough to sustain their company and a more drastic move will be in order, whether that be adding fresh food to their stock or something else to attract a new customer base.

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