Microsoft’s new phone…a little to late? or a breathe of fresh air?

Microsoft corporation unveiled their last effort to take down their arch rivals apple in the smartphone race. The Windows phone 7 was released last monday to encouraging reviews. There are a total of nine new phones in the lineup, made by manufacturers such as LG, samsung, HTC and dell. The phones come with colourful touch screens with “live tiles” with allow for easy access to email, phone, texts, and other applications, including Xbox live games which should be a huge incentive for the gamer market.

Windows has even recruited die hard Apple fan and British actor Stephen Fry to their side, and even got a praising of the product by the apple enthusiast. Of course the positive reviews and and abilities of the phone are one thing and don’t necessarily prove market success. There is considerable work for microsoft to complete in the way of marketing. They must get the cool factor in the phone in order to take a portion of the market away from Apple. As well they must steer way from their “business” like moniker and become more “fun” like rival Apple in order to connect the the younger market.

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