Telus taking the next step forward

Have you ever had “Bill Shock”, this is a common monthly experience for many Canadians as the major mobile carriers have the ability to mark up their prices to an unbeleivable level. Recent action by the federal government had begun in order to counteract these ridiculous prices.

It seems as though Telus will be the first to respond to the changes, Telus announced a new contract strategy Tuesday. In this strategy Telus states that it will get rid of the costly termination fees for early cancelation of ones contract. As well Telus states that it will replace the costly data charges those with smartphones receive, a much needed announcement for tons of Telus smartphone users.

In addition to price charges that Telus will change, they announced that by early next year they will start making their phones compatible to be “unlocked” for a small charge, and thus be able to work on any other network.

Resurgence of GM

Undoubtably the Ontario auto industry was hit the hardest in the recent recession, in fact much of the Canadian auto industry has been hurting since the middle of the decade. For instance GM had not hired new employees since 2002, however announced Tuesday GM is going to hire three hundred new employees to keep up with the demand for their new line of vehicles. This announcement follows GM recalling 400 workers to help work on the assembly lines.

The new employees will be on the assembly line at the Oshawa plant, where the popular Impala had been made for several years, and the latest version of the Camaro muscle car.

Although this is a step in the right direction GM still has a long way to go in order to be back to their pre-recession as GM`s workforce is still only half the twenty thousand that were employeed in 2005.

Me to We

We day recently wrapped up in Vancouver following a stop in Toronto and Montreal. We Day, part of Free the Children is a social enterprise headed by Craig and Marc Kielburger, who also founded Free the children.

We Day encourages youth to get involved in the world community and challenges them to make a difference. In the conference, which is usually held in a large venue (rogers arena in Vancouver, for example) where 20,000 enthusiastic high school aged students are treated to presentation in various medium. For example in Vancouver, students were spoken to former vice-president Al Gore and actor Martin Sheen, as well as performed to by Colbie Caillat and the Barenaked Ladies.

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Video of Craig Kielburger giving a speech at We Day 2010 in Vancouver

At all of the We Day events various merchandise is sold, such as t-shirt, swearters and poster. With all proceeds from the sales going toward the Free the Children charity.

We Day website:

Weston’s Excellence

George Weston Ltd. announced Tuesday that they had made a major increase in third quarter earnings, despite flat sales. The Toronto based firm who owns Loblaws said that it nearly doubled earning from $86 million to $184 million from the same quarter last year.

Despite only a 1.1% increase in sales, Weston still increased earnings dramatically. They cite that it is because of lower their operating costs as a major factor.

In my opinion Weston Ltd. is a very good company, since not many companies have the resources availible to lower their operating costs so drastically. This is the sign of a very efficient and resourceful company.

Sir Richard Branson

When I was given the task of writing about a company or person you consider to be entreprenurial, the first person who came to mind was Sir Richard Branson. He is the CEO of  the Virgin Group, a company he started at the age of 16, which has know has transformed into a massive entity of over 360 different companies.

He begin at the age of sixteen when he first started a magazine called “Student”, and at the age of 20 he began a mail order record company, beginning his foray into the music world. Shortly after he opened his first record store, and in the 80’s Virgin took off; with the creation of Virgin Airways and Virgin records.Since then he has taken the Virgin group in many different fields, and has found success in many of them. Currently Sir Richard Branson is worth an estimated $4 billion.

Richard Branson’s success comes from he many ideal entrepreneurial characteristics, which include his willingness to go for any oppurtunity, with high work ethic, and his drive to succeed.

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