Sir Richard Branson

When I was given the task of writing about a company or person you consider to be entreprenurial, the first person who came to mind was Sir Richard Branson. He is the CEO of  the Virgin Group, a company he started at the age of 16, which has know has transformed into a massive entity of over 360 different companies.

He begin at the age of sixteen when he first started a magazine called “Student”, and at the age of 20 he began a mail order record company, beginning his foray into the music world. Shortly after he opened his first record store, and in the 80’s Virgin took off; with the creation of Virgin Airways and Virgin records.Since then he has taken the Virgin group in many different fields, and has found success in many of them. Currently Sir Richard Branson is worth an estimated $4 billion.

Richard Branson’s success comes from he many ideal entrepreneurial characteristics, which include his willingness to go for any oppurtunity, with high work ethic, and his drive to succeed.

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