Conservatives increase party popularity

A new poll released reveals that the conservatives have gain popularity throughout the country. They now currently have a 13% lead over the next place liberals. As well they have gained popularity in Ontario where they have a 13% lead again over the liberals. This is a giant step for the conservatives who are chasing an elusive majority government.–tories-surge-ahead-of-liberals-poll-finds?bn=1

The conservatives and the bloc make a deal

After a week of back door negotiations with the bloc the tories are expected to release a new version of their crime bill, which the bloc is expected to support, ensuring speedy progress within the house.

The conservatives removed the section of the bill that would let non violent offenders be able to be released after serving only one sixth of their sentance. This removal was at the request of the bloc.

The bloc’s reason for wanting this section removed from the bill is the insurance that disgraced Montreal financial advisor, who was convicted of creating a ponzi scheme, stealing people of millions of dollars, would not be able to serve less of a sentance for his crime.