It’s official! There will be an election this spring. After the conservative government was defeated in a vote of confidence and found in contempt of parliament. This forced Stephen Harper to visit the govenor general on Saturday and ask for a dissolution of Parliament, the govenor general obliged to Harpers request. The spring election has been set for May 2nd with all parties running full steam till then. This is also the first time in which the government has been found in contempt.

The Most Important Lesson I Have Learned

There have been many important things which I have learned in my time in Comm 299, all of which will do me a great deal of help when I reach the real world of business. However in my sole opinion I find that the most important thing which I have learned is that you always have to been prepared.

This is quite a vague comment, but which specifically applies to multiple situations. Firstly, one must always be prepared to face anything in the job hunt. For example obscure questions can be thrown at you, or there could be a chance encounter with a potential employer in which you must act quickly and properly in order to make an excellent first impression.

In a more broad sense, being prepared relates to having all of the aspects of your “brand” worked out. One must be confident and assured of who they are. In addition one must be prepared in how they handle themselves in regard to they manners and protocol during a business interaction, such as the proper handshake and how to properly talk to a potential business associate.

Harpers Numbers Declining

With the possibility of the government being dissolved within a few days, Prime Minister Harper may have reason to concern. A recent poll to come out on the performance of the Prime Minister shows a sharp decline. The poll shows a drop from 99 to 83. This is mainly attributed to the recent scandals that have occured in recent months under his watch.


Election call still Harper’s choice

NDP leader Jack Layton recently said that the election is now in the hands of Conservative leader Stephen Harper, on whether or not they want to call an election. Layton, has said that an election is very likely as there is little hope that Harper will include spending plans in their upcoming budget, which both the NDP and the Bloc have demaded. They disapproval by the NDP and the Bloc should be enough for a loss of confidence vote to be possible. Harper in response, said that he does not particularily want to call an election as he wants to keep the government working on helping the economy and creating  jobs.


PMO apologizes for booting media

The prime ministers office has apologized for actions in which members of the media was ushered out of the building in which PM Harper and Liberal Leader Ignatieff were speaking. After Harper spoke to the media, staffers for Harper ushered media members out before Ignatieff had a chance to speak to the media. The PM and Ignatieff were attending an event at the India High Commision in Gatineau, Quebec.
