Market Research

Market research is possibly the most important thing standing in the way of having success and being a failure. It is used throughout the business world in every imaginable industry. It determines an optimal price for a product, the demand for that product, what people like or dislike about that product and how to market that product.

Market Research does take time and some patience, but not alot. That is why it is so wildly used by companies. In particular the film and tv industry use quite frequently to gauge an audiences reaction to certain shows to better market those shows as well as decide whether or not to cancel a show or not.

One show in particular, Community went thru extensive testing as executives at NBC were unsure about the prospect of the show. However they gave it the go ahead. A more important role that market research can play for this show is time scheduling. Using audience demographics the network can determine an optimal time to place the show in the schedule. For example place a show too early and the younger audience will not watch in greater numbers, but put it too late and it could alienate older audiences.

In all market research is a very crucial element of business that can be easily looked over as it hides behind the scenes most of the time. It is important to do your research before you embark on any sort of business venture or you could end up being an air conditioner repairman.




An Open Letter to Comm 296

Hello all, my name is Matt Marshall. For myself, my journey to Sauder was quite rudimentary; I grew up in Victoria (just a stones throw from the west edge of campus. To be honest I was quite surprised that I was even accepted into sauder, it was in mid-June that I finally got accepted. When I got here I was even more surprised that I got in when I saw who my fellow sauderites were.

I chose to study commerce because I have always had a competitive side, steming from my love of sports, it seemed like a natural fit. In addition to sports I have a great passion for film, since I was a young child I have always adored films, but I recent times I have come to love every aspect of film, from the viewing of films to the production behind the films and even the industry behind them. I believe my love of film will help bring a creative vision to marketing.

Even though I am taking this class because it is required, I have been looking forward to this class for some time as it is my intended and prefered choice of major. I have had much experience of marketing although it is from a consumer standpoint. However I have been an un-official student of marketing for a little while as I indulge myself from time to time by viewing great advertisements online. This has given me a background knowledge into marketing as I have learned some techniques used to market products. My favourite advertisement would have to be “Hello Tomorrow” an adidas ad creating by one of my favourite directors Spike Jonze. It shows a man in a dream who is running through his dream world with happiness. This is a very creative and beautifully made advertisement.

Signing off now, a personal note for the road…my current favourite movie is a tie between “Drive” and “Beginners”.


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