Check Yourself Before You Wreck Yourself

Everybody has one, some of us multiple…of course what I am talking about is that annoying friend on Facebook. The one who posts self congratulatory posts, boasting of minuscule achievements and complaining about daily events.

The only reason we still keep these people in our circles is that they are a friend or we have some sort of attachment, think of the aunt you have to call every month so your parents will be happy. Regardless of why they are around they still cause a great deal of annoyance, everyday you look for that “final straw” where you can finally delete them guilt free.

Now think, what if this was a company rather than a friend. Are any of us deeply attached to a company in the same way that if they begin to annoy us we will still hang around? Probably not, companies need to be much more self aware of their posted content; it is crucial that they don’t begin to spam their followers and create useless conversations.

This makes a strong argument for displaying user generated content, the content will seem less self congratulatory and therefore can be sent in higher volumes than company made content.

The attached article lists the 7 ways to be Insufferable on Facebook, conversely it lists ways to be “un-insufferable”; most noteworthy for me was “be interesting”. You may ask yourself , how could a household products company be interesting on social media? Well, that in particular is up to the company itself, but in my opinion a good strategy to have would be to challenge your audience, not sitting in complacency and not underestimating the intelligence or involvement of your customers.



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