Ladies and gentlemen, can I please have your attention. I’ve just been handed an urgent and horrifying news story. I need all of you, to stop what you’re doing and listen.

Ron Burgundy has partnered up with Dodge!


Ron Burgundy (aka Will Ferrell) has partnered up with the car manufacturer Dodge in series of new commercials to promote the new Dodge Durango. Although most of the ads will be played on television, they have already received a huge audience online. The most popular ad has received just under 700,000 YouTube views in four days.  This is a good example of leveraging earned media with paid media, the ads have been circulating the web the past few days and will allow for them to be shared to a varied and broad community that may have otherwise missed them on television.

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In addition these ads are an effective example of cross-promotion as they also are promoting the upcoming Anchorman 2, which is picking up steam heading towards it Christmas 2013 release date. Dodge effectively leverages the popularity of Will Ferrell and the Anchorman movie to favorably show their new product.  The ads produced in part by Ferrell’s YouTube style website “Funny or Die” will no doubt receive promotion from the site, which specializes in funny sketches. As well the site definitely skews to a younger demographic that will help with overall promotion.

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All in all this is destined to be  a very successful campaign and the commercials are destined to greatness…and repeat viewings. By the way you owe it to yourself to watch all of the commercials here:

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