IKEA and Cats

In a fresh way to attract attention to the Swedish funiture giant, they have adopted a new marketing campaign, Cats. With the help of the renowned British Marketing agency Mother, IKEA has created a new commercial in which one hundred cats are let loose in one of their trademark stores.  The quite entertaining piece which was filmed in the Wembley, London IKEA location comes with the slogan “Happy Inside”. This move on the marketing front is quite smart for IKEA for a number of reasons. First, the cat craze has already been a popular formula to attract attention. With sites such as “lolcatz” and “icanhascheezburger” already showing similar content and drawing in millions of people to their websites, it was only a matter of time before someone copied their winning formula. Also, the format in which the advertisement is being watched is quite important. In addition to being played on television it was immediately posted to youtube where it has garnered millions of hits in a matter of weeks. This format of advertisement will help IKEA in catching in the mind of all ages, as it is a family friendly and enjoyed commercial.


Making of the advertisement

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