Comment on increasing suicide rates , by Huanxuan Wang


In this article, Huanxuan informs us about a sad wave of suicides in the Foxconn company, who is an original design manufacturer and its clients include major American, European, and Japanese electronics and information technology companies.

I completly agree with Huanxuan when he says that business sometimes tend to be only driven by profits, forgetting ethics .

One could think that these kind of events never happen in developed countries.

However, France has been the target of multiple accusations of a period of high suicide rates by workers , from France Telecom company ( now called Orange) , in the telecommunication sector.

In 2010, this company saw fife of its employees commit suicide within fifteen days, raising questions concerning the pressure felt by employees .

One of the employees declared in a letter before commiting suicide that France Telecom was the only reason he commited suicide , due to the constant pressure,overload of work,etc.

I here wanted to talk about this to show that what Huanxuan said about China is also valid in developed countries, where work conditions have the reputation to be better .

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Beef or horse ?


All businesses are motivated by profits. However, it doesn`t mean that CEOs and managers have to leave aside essential good manners, such as being ethical in their actions.

Recently , a scandal proved that some brands do have ethic issues . The scandal started in England and spread throughout the rest of Europe .

Horse replaced beef .

To be clearer , a large number of products from different brands , such as Findus , a famous french food processing company , contained horse meat . Why is it a scandal ? Because the products indicated BEEF .

Since then , the hunt started to find the responsible . Brands such as Findus denonced another company responsible for this tragic event, Spanghero.

Spanghero is a company , specialized in meat selling . It has a contract with Findus supplier , Tavola de Capellen . When this scandal was revealed , Spanghero payed the price of its unethical process , with sales decreasing by 50%.

In this case, I would say that the one to blame is Findus. This company is the last one who has the product in its hands before the selling of the product. Therefore, it should proceed to meticulous ultimate sanitary checkups .

Moreover, what is shocking in this scandal is the customers that the company betrayed, because they didn`t make the effort to verify the origin of the product, and what is was made off.


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