iPhone 5 could boost U.S. GDP $3.2 billion

The introduction of Apple’s new iPhone 5 is expected to have an impact on the economy of the United States. In the fourth quarter alone, it is estimated that 8 million iPhone 5’s will be sold in the United States and older iPhones will still be selling at a normal rate. From the iPhone 5 sales alone, the economy of the US is expected to gain $ 3.2-billion. This would boost GDP growth by 0.33 percent which may not seem like a large percentage but when you take into account that this growth is from a new electronic product, this statistic is very impressive. With a thinner design, larger screen and better processing capabilities, consumers will be eager to get their hands on this electronic phenom. With the incredible sales numbers and the GDP increase prediction, it is very evident that Apple has become the most dominating force in the technology industry. It appears that eventually most of the world will have an Apple product in their home as Apple continues to grow and influence the world around us.



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