Manipulative Marketing

Nutella is a popular breakfast food spread, known for being a part of a healthy breakfast. In the commercial in the link below, a mother is making breakfast for her young children  as they get ready for another day of school. She emphasizes that Nutella is made with “simple quality ingredients” and that the main ingredients are “hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of coco”. In reality the top two ingredients in Nutella are sugar and palm oil which, when consumed in excess, are not good for ones health. Is it right to advertise a product that really isn’t healthy at all as being a healthy choice? It is especially manipulating when they use the mother with young children to advertise the product. Most mothers would love to find a product that their kids will like that is quick and easy to make for breakfast. Nutella is exactly that, except for the fact that it is not a healthy product. This commercial takes advantage of the families who need the convenience  of a product like Nutella and by enforcing that the mother in the commercial “feel[s] good that [her children] are ready to tackle the day”.

Coca-Cola Classic

 This advertisement by Coca-Cola is one of many the company has produced throughout the many years they have been in business. Although simple, this advertisement entices the viewer with the images of superstars from the past. These stars such as Elvis and The Beatles are no longer alive/together but they remain as popular today as they were during their careers. Coca- Cola is trying to portray the idea that they too are an old product but still as strong as ever. As a product, Coke has done little over the years to drastically change the components of their beverage. The label and logo remain relatively unchanged and the same Coca-Cola taste is as recognizable as ever. There appears to be no reason for Coke to immensely change any components of their product because the reputation they have created for themselves will always allow Coke to be viewed as one of the top soft drink brands regardless of if you enjoy the taste or not. Similarly, the famous artists in this advertisement will always be regarded as successful and the best at what they did even by people who don”t necessarily enjoy their music because their achievements are undeniable.