Better than Nothing


After reading Louie Wong’s Blog “Big Profit for Charitable Deed”, I found it interesting that although TOMS shoes do indeed help poor children around the world, that may be just as much of a marketing scheme as it is a good deed.

The combination of a shoe that deteriorates quickly and high profit margins per shoe shows TOMS is just as much of a profit seeking business as it is beneficial to people in need of aid.

However I partially disagree with Louie’s comment of there being better ways to give to charity. Although there may be more direct ways of giving money to charitable organizations, TOMS “One-for-One” program allows the average consumer to help people in need while buying a good which they would purchase regardless of it was part of a charitable organization.

Overall, TOMS benefits many people in underdeveloped areas and as long as they are in business, these people will continue to get shoes free of charge. Whether or not TOMS is striving for profits or not is irrelevant because they are still providing a service for the underprivileged.


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