Nokia’s Misleading Ad Video

The smartphone makers at Nokia will face a review because of misleading information used in a recent ad for a new product. Nokia’s new device called the Lumia, features an 11cm screen and 8.7 megapixel camera with software used for image stabilization. This camera is the Lumia’s distinction between other powerhouse phones such as the iPhone and the Android and is to be used as the reason for consumers to switch products. In a video advertisement, which was meant to display the phones camera technology, a large white van with lighting equipment and camera man are seen in the reflection of the window. While this may not have usually been a problem, the video gave the impression that the commercial was shot using the Lumia camera. This misleading marketing shows Nokia’s desperation to compete with the now larger and more successful companies such as Apple. As of last year Nokia accounted for only 2 percent of smartphones purchased where as the iPhone and devices using Google’s Android software accounted for a combined total of 90 percent. This shows the competitive nature of the technology industry and the extremes companies will go to get ahead of their competition.

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