Where Sport and Business Collide

For the fourth time since 1992, the NHL is in a lockout due to issues regarding money. One may think that the players, who already make an astonishing amount of money, just want to play the game they love and the money is just a bonus. However this is incorrect.

The players, NHL commissioner Gary Bettman and a few owners cannot agree on a deal which will see the cap on salaries fall from 57% to 47% of revenue. To be fair to the players, this is a large decrease in salary percentage and if the deal is made almost all NHL players will see their salaries reduced substantially. No one is happy about earning less money than before, even if you are still making several million dollars a year. The owners, especially of lower earning teams, think the salary cap is needed in order for the weaker teams to compete.

Both the athletes and the owners can both go for extended periods of time without being paid which raises the question of whether this lockout is still about money or if it is now about pride. Neither side will want to adhere to the deal of the other because of the image it will display to the public of who has more of an influence in the NHL.

If these rich, stubborn individuals can finally agree on a compromise, hopefully the season can be saved.





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