Teaching Resources

Harvard Business Review cases and research: useful for economics, entrepreneurship, business education and management courses.

Patatap: Musical and visual brain break

Keva wood blocks: a fun, unstructured hook

Slideshare: pre-made lesson slides.

Piktocharts: this provides templates for creative and unique infographic displays.

EdPuzzle: an amazingly practical app that integrates quizzes and comments into videos.

The Money Belt (for Accounting and Money Management courses):


Futurpreneur: resources for business plans and social enterprise: http://www.futurpreneur.ca/en/resources/social-purpose-business/infographic/infographic-what-is-social-purpose-business/ 

Truth and Lies game: a fun one to get to know students. Multitude of variations, the premise being that a teacher (or peers) has to guess if something is true or not about a student.

Voki.com: Talking avatars. These are fun for long passages of text (the weirder the character, the better for keeping the attention of students).