Accomplishment Statements : Labs 4 & 5

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Lab 4 – Housing Affordability Analysis

We learnt many valuable skills while analysing and comparing housing affordability in Vancouver and Montreal. Learning the difference between different quantitative data classification methods is an invaluable skill. This allows us to more critically evaluate maps and identify how they could have been presented with bias to highlight certain features. Also learning how to normalize data is another great skill which allows for much more meaningful comparisons between different locations etc.

Accomplishment Statement:

  • Normalized housing cost data by median household income to create a housing affordability measure to effectively compare housing prices in Vancouver and Montreal.

Lab 5 – Environmental Assessment of a Proposed Ski Resort (Garibaldi at Squamish)

In this lab we learnt how to combine multiple different data layers (and analysis techniques) and interpret this data of various environmental concerns regarding a large scale project proposal such as this. This introduced us to some of the complexity of most professional GIS analysis. We had to manage different data types and use different analysis techniques to represent the environmental concerns that need to be considered in a thorough environmental impact assessment of the Garibaldi at Squamish project.

Accomplishment Statement:

  • Combined multiple different data types and analysis techniques to illustrate the environmental concerns involved in a large scale environmental impact assessment.